R Type Provider

R Type Provider

RProvider Namespace


This interface can be used for providing new convertors that can convert R values to .NET types. The converter is used whenever the users calls the se.GetValue<'TOutType>() on a SymbolicExpression value returned from R provider.


This inteface can be used for providing new convertors that can convert custom .NET data types to R values. The converter is used whenever the user calls an R function (such as R.foo(...)) with an arguments that is of type TInType.


This interface can be used for providing a default converter that converts R value to .NET obj values. The converter is used whenever the user calls the se.Value member on `SymbolicExpression. This property should convert an R value to the "most appropriate" .NET object.


The object represents an R environment loaded from RData file. This type is typically used through an RData type provider. To get a statically typed R environment for a given file, use RData<"C:\\myfile.rdata">.


Contains helper functions for calling the functions generated by the R provider, such as the namedParams function for specifying named parameters. The module is automatically opened when you open the RProvider namespace.

RProvider.Internal Namespace


Interface that is used for communication between the R provider server (RProvider.Server.exe) which communicates with R and the client that runs in the host IDE process (Visual Studio, Xamarin Studio etc.)

NOTE: In order to support standalone compilation of RProvider.Server.exe (which inlines the F# Core library), the interface does not expose any F# Core types.

RProvider.Internal.Converters Namespace

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