RowSeries<'TRowKey, 'TColumnKey>
Namespace: Deedle
Represents a series of rows from a frame. The type inherits from a series of
series representing individual rows (Series<'TRowKey, ObjectSeries<'TColumnKey>>
) but
hides slicing operations with new versions that return frames.
Constructor | Description |
Signature: (index:IIndex<'TRowKey> * vector:IVector<ObjectSeries<'TColumnKey>> * vectorBuilder:IVectorBuilder * indexBuilder:IIndexBuilder) -> RowSeries<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey>
Instance members
Static members
Static member | Description |
Signature: series:Series<'TRowKey,ObjectSeries<'TColumnKey>> -> RowSeries<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey>
Creates a RowSeries from a filtered series
(and implements slicing in terms of the specified series)