

Namespace: Deedle

Represents different behaviors of key lookup in series. For unordered series, the only available option is Lookup.Exact which finds the exact key - methods fail or return missing value if the key is not available in the index. For ordered series Lookup.Greater finds the first greater key (e.g. later date) with a value. Lookup.Smaller searches for the first smaller key. The options Lookup.ExactOrGreater and Lookup.ExactOrSmaller finds the exact key (if it is present) and otherwise search for the nearest larger or smaller key, respectively.

Record Fields

Record FieldDescription
Signature: Lookup
Modifiers: static

Lookup a value associated with the exact specified key. If the key is not available, then fail or return missing value.

Signature: Lookup
Modifiers: static

Lookup a value associated with the specified key or with the nearest greater key that has a value available. Fails (or returns missing value) only when the specified key is greater than all available keys.

Signature: Lookup
Modifiers: static

Lookup a value associated with the specified key or with the nearest smaller key that has a value available. Fails (or returns missing value) only when the specified key is smaller than all available keys.

Signature: Lookup
Modifiers: static

Lookup a value associated with a key that is greater than the specified one. Fails (or returns missing value) when the specified key is greater or equal to the greatest available key.

Signature: Lookup
Modifiers: static

Lookup a value associated with a key that is smaller than the specified one. Fails (or returns missing value) when the specified key is smaller or equal to the smallest available key.

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