

Namespace: Deedle

Represents different kinds of type conversions that can be used by Deedle internally. This is used, for example, when converting ObjectSeries<'K> to Series<'K, 'T> - The conversion kind can be specified as an argument to allow certain conversions.

Record Fields

Record FieldDescription
Signature: ConversionKind
Modifiers: static

Specifies that the type has to match exactly and no conversions are performed.

Signature: ConversionKind
Modifiers: static

Allows the use of arbitrary .NET conversions. This uses Convert.ChangeType, which performs numerical conversions, parsing of strings, uses IConvertable and more.

Signature: ConversionKind
Modifiers: static

Allows conversions that widen numeric types, but nothing else. This includes conversions on decimals decimal -> float32 -> float and also from integers to floating points (int -> decimal etc.)

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