

Namespace: Deedle

Represents a strategy for aggregating data in an ordered series into data segments. To create a value of this type from C#, use the non-generic Aggregation type. Data can be aggregate using floating windows or chunks of a specified size or by specifying a condition on two keys (i.e. end a window/chunk when the condition no longer holds).

Union Cases

Union CaseDescription
Signature: int * Boundary

Aggregate data into non-overlapping chunks of a specified size and the provided handling of boundary elements.

ChunkWhile('K -> 'K -> bool)
Signature: 'K -> 'K -> bool

Aggregate data into non-overlapping chunks where each chunk ends as soon as the specified function returns false when called with the first key and the current key as arguments.

Signature: int * Boundary

Aggregate data into floating windows of a specified size and the provided handling of boundary elements.

WindowWhile('K -> 'K -> bool)
Signature: 'K -> 'K -> bool

Aggregate data into floating windows where each window ends as soon as the specified function returns false when called with the first key and the current key as arguments.

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